Wednesday, November 10, 2010

American Democracy : A Near Myth

Americans view their country as the world's shining beacon of democracy. The words "freedom" and "liberty" come trippingly to the lips of even the most repressive right winger as, teary eyed,  they wave the flag of the "greatest/best country in the world!" It is part and parcel of the "American  dream" and a view held by the vast majority of Americans. It is not reality based. It is Santa Claus, brought to you by Coca Cola.

George Carlin said it best "They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it".

They are not bringing and will not bring democracy to Iraq or Afghanistan all protestations aside. It is not in the interests of America. America has been fairly consistent in its attitude towards democracy in other places. When it comes to a choice between it and American interest, democracy is abhorred. If it is a choice between United Fruit, Big Oil , Bechtel or democracy, democracy goes over the side. This has been proven time and again in South and Central America, in Cuba, In Iran. America prefers right wing dictators, like Pinochet,, Samoza or the Shah of Iran. Saddam Husein was their creature (until he wasn't). They are so much more business friendly. The few in power at the top are easier to own. There is no threat of nationalization or alternatively the imposition of a fairer share of the take. It is win-win.

From the 20's into the 40's corporate America embraced fascism. The names are all familiar : Hearst, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Mellon, DuPont, Dulles and yes, Bush. Henry Ford's book, "The International Jew", was circulated by the Nazis. He was said to be admired by Hitler. The admiration was mutual.
Standard Oil, DuPont, Alcoa, and Dow Chemical supplied I.G. Farben, makers of the Zyklon B gas that ended many a Jewish life.

Recently, because it is in America's strategic interest, Obama has waived sanctions against four of the countries using child soldiers. (Chad, the Congo, Sudan, and Yemen). “In each of these countries we are working with the governments to stop the recruitment of child soldiers or [to] demobilize those who may already be in the ranks,” State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said. But, then, that was what the sanctions were for. The logic may be muddled but the message is certainly clear.

The U.S. showed no support for Honduran democracy (quite the opposite) and was/is actively interfering with Venezuelan democracy.  Venezuelan democracy does have its failings... largely due to external and internal threats abetted by the U.S. (aah  memories of John Negreponte).

Democracy, due to its open nature, does not do well under threat.

Case in point? The U.S. itself. After 9/11 democracy took a beating... habeus corpus was an early victim. There were war crimes like the invasion of Iraq itself. Torture became "normalized", you could see Jack Bauer about his business every week. The nation eavesdropped on itself. Guantanamo was born. Of late we have the sanctioned killing of American citizens abroad without due process. The first amendment has been tattered along with civil liberties. Democracy is now second fiddle to "security" and everywhere there is the fear of dangers, largely imagined (but highly useful).

And now? Corporate America has gone global. America itself is the "somewhere else" where democracy does not serve "American interests". America is well on its way to plutocracy. Government and the judiciary have been corporatized. Corporate frontmen and a hoard of "useful idiots" are in charge. Soon (2012) the office of the President itself will be up for bids and the transition will be complete.

You see, the shining beacon on the hill always had a pricetag.

The vast majority of Americans believe deeply in the American ideal.
Not just the  boastful rhetoric. Not just the flag waving jingoism.
If not real, at least it was something to strive for.
It will never be achieved.
Always just beyond their fingertips, it will be swept away.

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