Saturday, October 30, 2010

Officer Bubbles Redux

  I was reading the Ottawa Sun the other day. It may be a right-wing rag and a plot against Canadian trees but 25 cents gets you two really good crosswords.
  Not withstanding, I happened to read (there is a masochist within me) one of Michael Coren's latest wheezes.
  If I were to precis the column it would go something like this : "I have a personal animus towards what I perceive to be 'another privileged little white girl being all lefty and fatuous' and therefore Officer Bubbles actions were excusable if not correct".*  This is "logic" in Coren's shrivelled little world.
  Coren proceeds to transfer his animus to the officer in question. He even intimates that the officer's colour (he is black) may have had something to do with it. If there were any truth in this it would not serve as an excuse. It would be an indictment. At "best" it is an insult to the officer.
So, in vilifying Winkels and her "self indulgent protests" the officer is co-lateral damage.
  "Defying stereotypes" the sub-heading bellows as Coren stereotypes Ms. Winkels.

  Showing once more his unfamiliarity with logic and reason he closes with this vacuous statement :

        "Next time there is a thug at the door
         I'm calling the cop and not the hippie".

 Sure, and if I was making granola I would call the "hippie" and not the cop. In fact, if I needed my taxes done, I would call neither. I would want an accountant. And you know what? They pay him to write this drivel.

*For those unfamiliar a video of the incident in question is here: